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Gemstone lexicon: the rock crystal

The rock crystal is one of the most important gemstones today and has been used as a healing stone since ancient times. The meaning of the rock crystal and its healing effects are extremely versatile and powerful. It can be described as one of the most important gemstones of all.

Origin of the rock crystal

Quartz is one of the most important healing stones in the world and can be found pretty much everywhere on earth. However, the world's largest mining takes place in Brazil, where the healing stone occurs most frequently and extensively. Rock crystal is also found in Germany, especially in the Alps and in the Fichtel Mountains. Its white to transparent color and its glassy sheen are striking.

The earth consists of about 65% silicon, the mineral from which the rock crystal is composed.

Meaning of the rock crystal

The name of this healing stone comes from the Greek word "krystallos", which translates as "ice". Back then, people believed that the crystal was made from water, froze up in the mountains and could no longer melt. The stone was also used by Romans, Indians and Buddhists to clean living beings or objects from negative energy.

Effect of the rock crystal

For the most part, the stone is referred to as a catalyst, which gives you clarity and order.

In addition, the stone should help against inflammation and irritation of all kinds and promote the healing process in general. Thus it has a positive effect on the mucous membranes, stimulates digestion and strengthens the immune system. It also brings energy and promotes self-knowledge. Most of all, the gemstone is known to enhance the effects of other crystals within its range. Hildegard von Bingen used it against ulcers, for the eyes or for heart and stomach pain.

Rock crystal in drinking water

The production of gemstone water is highly recommended for internal use. If you put the rock crystal with other gemstones in a carafe with water, the effect of the other stones is enhanced. The rock crystal should be cleaned weekly with running water and not left in the sun for too long in order to guarantee the best possible effect.

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