A unique method of using healing stones, which invigorates the water and releases valuable minerals. Many ailments can be alleviated through regular use. For example, the energy for the day should be increased, inner peace promoted, stress reduced or the body detoxified.

What is gem water?
In the meantime, the gemstone water is enjoying an increasing popularity, because more and more people want to try its healing properties. Gemstone water has always been a form of dealing with healing stones. Each stone contains unique information and minerals that are stored in it. So if you put the stone in water for a certain time, its minerals will be released. These important components are in turn absorbed by us when we drink.
Effect of the gemstone water
Whether amethyst, rock crystal or jasper; gemstone water ensures that your body, mind and soul are in harmony. By taking gemstone water, valuable minerals are absorbed, which have a positive effect on your physical body, especially the internal organs and skin. Depending on the combination of crystals, drinking the gemstone water can also give you strength for the day and activate your body functions and defenses. For example, amethyst, rose quartz and rock crystal bring inner peace, whereas the mixture of red jasper, orange calcite and aventurine provide your body with energy.

Preparation of gemstone water
First of all, it is important to know that not every gemstone is suitable as a water stone. The surface, size, quality and also the shape play a big role in the intensity of the gemstone water and the respective healing. So you have to make sure that the stones you use are compatible with water. In addition, the stones should be replaced every three months, as after this time they have released almost all of their minerals. You should also clean the crystals under water every two weeks to maintain their purity. In order to achieve the optimum intensity, you put the mineral set of your choice in a glass carafe (approx. 1 liter volume) and fill it with natural water. Now you should let this steep for at least 15 minutes so that the healing stones can optimally supply the water with minerals. The gemstone water obtained in this way should be drunk daily for positive results. Enjoy it, you will immediately feel the difference to conventional water.